Star batter Virat Kohli on Friday penned an heartful note after India’s T20 World Cup exit in the semi-final. Kohli, who leads the scoring charts in the tournament, amassed 296 runs from six games at an average of 98.66. Kohli hit four half-centuries in the tournament, including a 50 against England in the semi-final, which India lost by 10 wickets at the Adelaide Oval on Thursday. Taking to Twitter, Kohli said that while the players head back home with a lot of “disappointment”, the team can take a few positives from the tournament and bounce back strongly.
“We leave Australian shores short of achieving our dream and with disappointment in our hearts but we can take back a lot of memorable moments as a group and aim to get better from here on,” Kohli tweeted.
We leave Australian shores short of achieving our dream and with disappointment in our hearts but we can take back a lot of memorable moments as a group and aim to get better from here on.
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) November 11, 2022
India opening batter KL Rahul, who struggled with the bat in the tournament, also reacted to the team’s exit with a ‘heartbreaking’ emoji.
— K L Rahul (@klrahul) November 11, 2022
Suryakumar Yadav, who was India’s second highest run-getter after Kohli, also penned an emotional note after India’s hopes of reaching the final were dashed by England.
“Hurtful loss. Forever grateful to our fans who create electrifying atmosphere, no matter where we play. Thankful for the undying support for each other, proud of the hardwork put in by this team & support staff. Proud to play for my country. We will reflect &come back stronger!” Suryakumar tweeted.
Hurtful loss.
Forever grateful to our fans who create electrifying atmosphere, no matter where we play. Thankful for the undying support for each other, proud of the hardwork put in by this team &support staff.
Proud to play for my country
We will reflect &come back stronger!— Surya Kumar Yadav (@surya_14kumar) November 11, 2022
In the match between India and England, the latter won the toss and opted to bowl first.
India posted 168/6 in 20 overs, owing to knocks of 63 and 50 by Hardik Pandya and Virat Kohli respectively.
However, the bowlers had no answers for the England onslaught, and Buttler and Hales propelled England to a comfortable win. England will now take on Pakistan in the final of the T20 World Cup at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on Sunday.
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