Hero MotoCorp, among the leading two-wheeler manufacturers in India, launched the Karizma XMR 210 on Tuesday (August 29). With the new launch, the company has reintroduced the Karizma brand under which it sold its mid-range sport-tourer motorcycle. The new bike has been launched at Rs 1,82,900 with an introductory discount of Rs 10,000. So it will be available for Rs 1,72,900. Actor and brand ambassador Hrithik Roshan unveiled the Karizma XMR 210, which is being offered in three colour options – Iconic Yellow, Turbo Red and Matte Phantom Black.
The Karizma XMR 210 has been launched keeping in mind the new generation of bikers. Hero MotoCorp has added new faring to elevate its looks.
The 210cc single-cylinder, 4V, DOHC and liquid-cooled unit makes 25.5 PS of power at 9250 RPM (company’s most powerful engine yet) and 20.4 Nm of torque at 7250 RPM. The top speed is around 140 kmph, according to Hero MotoCorp.
The liquid cool set up comes with dual-channel ABS, slip and assist clutch, 6-speed gearbox and a fatter rear tyre.
The bike has new LED lights and indicators, a sleeker fuel tank, sharp lines and contours to give it a new-age appeal.
The rider will sit on the bike in a sporty stance, with rear view mirrors mounted on the motorcycle’s faring. The company has also added a snazzy windscreen to provide decent protection to the rider.
The bike also has an all-new fully-digital instrument cluster, which is the largest in its class. It contains information like gear position indicator, date, time, trip, odometer reading, fuel level, tachometer and speedometre readings.
Karizma XMR 210 also has a number of Bluetooth connectivity features that will alert the rider about calls and other notifications. The bike also has turn-by-turn navigation.