Saturday, March 15, 2025

Norway Walrus Freya’s Fame Could Lead To Her Death



The walrus, which has been nicknamed “Freya”, has been staying in and near the Oslofjord this summer.

New Delhi:

A walrus that rose to fame this year for her adorable stubbornness to sunbathe on docked boats in Norway’s Oslo could be “put down for her own good”, authorities said according to BBC.

Officials said that since people were getting too close to Freya the walrus, thereby putting themselves and her in danger, the Norwegian fisheries ministry might consider euthanasing her if crowds continue to defy its advice.

The Directorate of Fisheries’ assessment is that the public’s negligent behavior and failure to follow the recommendations from the authorities can endanger life and health … The Directorate of Fisheries is in dialogue with the police and veterinarian to discuss further measures,” Nadia Jdaini, senior communications adviser at the Directorate of Fisheries said.

She added, “We would again – strongly – recommend that the public keep their distance where the walrus has been observed and not bathe with it. It is for one’s own safety, and with animal welfare in mind.”

The statement released by the fisheries ministry also said that people have been throwing things at Freya. “The fact that the walrus has become an attraction escalates the need for further measures. Our biggest fear is that people could get hurt,” Ms Jdaini said.

The ministry further said that Freya’s increased popularity has resulted i her not getting enough rest and the professionals that they are in dialogue with consider her to be stressed.

The walrus, which has been nicknamed “Freya”, has been staying in and near the Oslofjord this summer.

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