Hema Malini, the “Dream Girl” of Bollywood, wears many hats – Bharatanatyam dancer, Member of Parliament and Politician, and a devotee of Lord Krishna. She performed with dancers during release of her book Chal Mann Vrindavan in New Delhi this week. Hema Malini, who is the Lok Sabha member from Mathura, is the chief editor of the book, which is a compilation of glossy and unique photographs of the temples and edifices of Mathura-Vrindavan, which she hopes and believes will be a tourism booster.
The second-term Member of Parliament has also sought help of the local population and Lord Krishna devotees to complete special ongoing projects that will leave an impact on Braj for many years to come.
The launch event of Hema Malini’s book included a fashion show which showcased the works of designer Sulakshana Mago who works with motifs inspired from Vrindavan.
Actor-turned-politician Hema Malini wearing a sari depicting scenes of Lord Krishna with Gopis in Vrindavan. Photo by Sondeep Shankar
Actor-turned-politician Hema Malini shows off a sari depicting scenes of Lord Krishna with Gopis in Vrindavan. Photo by Sondeep Shankar
An artist plays the role of Lord Krishna with the backdrop of a photo from the book titled Chal Mann Vrindavan by actor-turned-politician Hema Malini . Photo by Sondeep Shankar
Models showcase dresses with motifs from Vrindavan during a fashion show to mark a book titled Chal Mann Vrindavan by actor-turned-politician Hema Malini. Photo by Sondeep Shankar
Actor-turned-politician Hema Malini performs with artists during a fashion show of clothes depicting scenes of Lord Krishna with Gopis . Photo by Sondeep Shankar
Actor-turned-politician Hema Malini performs with artists during a fashion show of clothes depicting scenes of Lord Krishna with Gopis . Photo by Sondeep Shankar
Actor-turned-politician Hema Malini performs with artists during a fashion show of clothes depicting scenes of Lord Krishna with Gopis . Photo by Sondeep Shankar
Actor-turned-politician Hema Malini performs with artists during a fashion show of clothes depicting scenes of Lord Krishna with Gopis . Photo by Sondeep Shankar
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